
istyle in 5 Key Concepts

Keyword05From domestic to global

Going forward, we want to eliminate communication issues between consumers and manufacturers/distributors in the global cosmetics market, allowing us to achieve our vision of a market that is truly consumer-oriented. That is why we are focusing on globalizing the @cosme platform through the use of our Global Master Database, which contains a wealth of information on cosmetics and beauty products from around the world. The ultimate goal is to allow consumers worldwide to use a single, unified ID to access @cosme at any time, in their language of choice. They will be able to shop online and in person, using beauty services that have been localized for each country's users.

image diagram:「Global Master Database」→「Creating a new consumer-oriented market」

For example, Japanese consumers could read product reviews from users in Thailand and then purchase those products at @cosme store locations in Japan. Users from hong Kong could watch videos posted by Korean consumers and then purchase those products at @cosme store locations in Hong Kong. The result would be a globally connected cosmetics userbase.

[Global One Database → @cosme Global App] We are developing a global app that would allow users around the world to use a single, unified ID to access @cosme content (global cosmetics reviews, beauty data, et cetera) in their language of choice.


1Globalization of content

We have developed a global app that will allow users around the world to use a single, unified ID to access @cosme content (global cosmetics reviews, beauty data, etc.) in their language of choice.(Already launched in HongKong)

2Localized delivery

We are localizing our physical and online retail services specifically for each country.

3Unified global product IDs

To achieve the two goals above, we have unified product IDs in our Global Master Database.

image diagram:Globalization of content, Localized delivery, Unified global product IDs

Since beginning our overseas expansion with the 2012 launch of services in China, we have expanded our presence into five countries and territories.