istyle's initiative
Dialogue with all stakeholders, including users, manufacturers, and employees, is essential for istyle to achieve its vision of creating a consumer-centered marketplace. Opinions and criticism that we receive are fed back to the management team and business departments so that we can make necessary improvements. istyle will continue to engage in close dialogue with stakeholders and work to achieve sustained growth so that we can live up to their expectations.
@cosme is a site that is dependent on the valuable input received from its users. istyle implements a wide range of measures to provide a highly transparent service to ensure that the site accurately reflects users' views and is secure to use.
We focus on personnel training, because the growth and development of employees and the synergies generated by diversity of individual talents helps to enhance corporate value.
Engagement Surveys
As part of our dialogue with stakeholders, every six months we conduct an employee satisfaction survey on work environments (including company policy and work relationships) to uncover any issues and feed them back to the management team and business departments so that they can implement organizational improvements.
Family Engagement
We hold an event which we invite employees' family members to visit their offices and observe them at work.
The purpose of the event is to deepen their understanding of istyle and help to enhance communication between family members.
Customers and Business Partners
istyle carries out a wide range of initiatives with the aim of remaining a company that our customers and business partners can feel secure in doing business with.
Shareholders and Investors
Since dialogue with shareholders, investors, and others connected with capital markets is an essential element of management, we are proactive in disclosing information based on istyle's IR Policy and through doing so aim to build fair and favorable relationships.
Supporting the next generation of personnel
Programming workshop for kids
As a technology company, istyle has held programming workshops for children to provide them with an opportunity to experience and take an interest in programming.

iAcademy, seminars for job-seeking students
Our management team also runs seminars on diverse topics for job-hunting university students to convey to them the true appeal of business, i.e., to strive toward an ideal and create something from nothing.

Supporting the Study Abroad Initiative
In January 2018, as a way to help nurture the next generation of talent, istyle began supporting the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "Tobitate! (Leap for Tomorrow) Study Abroad Initiative". We provide training courses and lectures for students before and after their overseas study and dispatch judges for panels tasked with selecting students for the program.

Regional Revitalization
Group company IS Partners Inc. opened a satellite office in Nagareyama, Chiba Prefecture, to support education and employment in the IT sector for women raising children and to create employment opportunities in the region. We are also considering establishing satellite offices in other regions to provide more people with workstyle options that fit their lifestyles.

Support for disaster-stricken areas
istyle works with users through @cosme to support reconstruction/restoration work in communities affected by earthquake disasters.
<Some recent initiatives>
Employee Volunteer Activities
istyle encourages employees to join activity clubs as a way to engage in communication with their colleagues. The theme of one of these clubs is: "We want to do things that help others." The club engages in a wide range of activities including engaging in an NPO-organized plastic bottle cap recycling/fundraising program, and book/clothing recycling activities.
Supporting TCFD Recommendations
We are aware that istyle Group's business may be affected by climate change in a variety of ways. We will respond to climate-related business risks while at the same time identify new opportunities and reflect them in our business strategies.
Taking this opportunity to express our support for the TCFD recommendations, we will promote business activities to solve environmental and social issues utilizing istyle Group strengths, enhance information disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations, and work together with our stakeholders to realize a sustainable society.

1 TCFD: Established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the a request of G20. It assesses the financial impact caused by climate-related risks and opportunities, and recommends disclosures on four elements, governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.
2 TCFD Consortium: Established in 2019 as a forum to discuss effective corporate disclosure and efforts to link disclosed information to appropriate investment decisions by financial institutions and others. Its efforts are promoted by companies and financial institutions that support the TCFD recommendations.
Reducing CO2 Emissions
istyle works to enhance employees' awareness of environmental issues by, for example, using signage in office areas to remind people to save power by turning off office lighting and air-conditioning when not in use as one way of contributing toward the creation of a low carbon society.
Conservation of Natural Resources
As an ecofriendly measure, the cosmetics specialty shop @cosme STORE encourages conservation of resources by granting reward points to customers who do not require shopping bags.