A working environment where both men and women can excel
A large number of women are already playing active roles at istyle. We promote initiatives to ensure employees can continue to work with peace of mind, in line with our goal of creating working environments where all employees can fully demonstrate their capabilities regardless of gender.
Further, istyle took second place overall in the corporate category (companies with 300 to 999 employees) at the Forbes Japan Women Award 2017, which recognizes companies where women are most successful. istyle director Meyumi Yamada also took the grand prix in the individual category. The award is organized by Forbes Japan, a publication for global business leaders.

A community that transcends national borders
istyle does business not only in Japan, but in many other countries with particular focus on Asia. We are actively creating a corporate culture based on mutual understanding and respect, and building a working environment free of barriers to communication to allow us to focus on discovering and nurturing personnel, of any nationality, capable of succeeding in Japan and abroad. We seek to harness the individual qualities of every employee and combine these to create new value.
Support for employees with disabilities
istyle seeks to provide a working environment where all employees can perform to the best of their abilities regardless of whether they have a disability or not. Employees with disabilities are playing active roles in a wide range of business fields and job categories and thereby contributing to the success of the istyle Group. We will continue to hire people who can work with us to make our vision a reality without discriminating against those with disabilities.
Ratios of female employees, female managers, and non-Japanese employees
- As of Jun. 2022